Azure AD

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Azure AD – Temporary Access Pass for password less user is now in preview

As you know, for the past few years, Microsoft has been working to remove the need of passwords to access Microsoft Clo…

Azure AD – New administration roles for managing domain name and authentication methods

Good news, you don’t need to be a global administrator to manage Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) or authentication me…

Azure AD – Emailed One Time Password will be turned on for B2B

As you may know, Azure AD has been allowing to generate a one time password and sent it by email for external (guest) u…

Azure AD – Get Password spray attack detection report when using Identity Protection

As you know, password attacks have been there for quite some time. Well, if you are using Azure AD Identity Protection…

Azure AD – You can now easily switch to another AAD tenant

This new capability is simplifying switching between Azure Active Directory tenant. This is quite useful if you manage…

Azure AD – You can download the list of Azure AD Devices

It has been a long awaited capability: you can now download the list of your Azure AD devices directly from the Azure A…

Azure AD – You can now automate actions when reviewing guest/external users access

As you  know, you can invite external users (known as guest) to your organization, leading to the creation of a gu…

Azure AD B2C – New access risk insights and Conditional Access are now available in preview

As you know Microsoft Cloud services identity is based on Azure Active Directory (AAD). You may also know that Azure AD…