Teams – Administrators can now review application permissions

As you know Teams is the collaboration hub from Office 365, allowing your users to  collaborate, join/organize meetings…

Teams is also an application platform, allowing your users to access other services (like DevOps, GitHub, CRM…) directly from the Teams clients.

Most of these applications requires some permissions to, at least read user profile details.

Well, Teams administrators can now review these application permissions from the Teams administration portal.

To review the permissions, logon to your Teams administration portal ( with a global administrator account – Teams administrator only will not be able to compete this – and access the Teams appsManage apps blade


You will then see the Permissions column in the application list. If permissions have been granted/needed for an application you will see the View details link to then access the permissions details


If permissions have been granted for the application, they will be displayed under the

Microsoft Graph resource-specific consent ‎(‎RSC)‎‎ permissions section


If you hit the Review permissions and consent you will see what permissions are required by the application and grant these permissions directly from there

image_thumb[3]  image_thumb[4]

If you grant the permissions from the Teams portal, you will then see the message, with a direct link to the application in your Azure AD Enterprise application blade to (re)view the permissions details

This app has been granted consent for some permissions. Go to Azure Active Directory to view details.
