Teams – New setting to control 1:1 call recording policy

As you may know, Teams administrators can control by policy call recording for both meeting and 1:1 calls.

Well, regarding the 1:1 call recording policy, this is (was) controlled by the AllowCloudRecording global parameter.

Starting mid March 2021, a new parameter – allowCloudRecordingForCalls, specific for 1:1 calls, will be introduced which will be set by default to false, which will block 1:1 call recording.

If you want to continue (if already enabled) to allow 1:1 call recording, you will need to update your configuration with the new parameter using the below command – you will need to have the Teams PowerShell module installed (available from the PowerShell galley

First to connect to Teams

Import-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams
$userCredential = Get-Credential
$sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $userCredential
Import-PSSession $sfbSession

Then set the policy (this command applies the setting to the global policy; if you want to apply it to a specific policy you need to add –Identity with identity policy value

Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -AllowCloudRecordingForCalls $true
